코딩캠프/AI 웹개발 취업캠프

[AI 웹개발 취업캠프] Python FLASK로 웹사이트 만들기(2)

고랑E 2023. 8. 19. 15:35

Flask 기초

  • virtual Environment - An isolated workspace for managing Python project dependencies independently.
  • Anaconda 사용

conda create --name myvenv

  • conda = invoke the Conda package manager.
  • create = create a new environment
  • --name = This flag specifies that you're about to provide the name of the new environment.
  • myvenv = environment name


Flask Hello World


# Import the Flask class from the flask module
from flask import Flask

# Create an instance of the Flask class
# The argument __name__ helps Flask determine the root path of the application
app = Flask(__name__)

# Decorator to tell Flask what URL should trigger our function
def index():
    # This function will be triggered when the user accesses the root URL ('/')
    return '<h1>Hello World!</h1>'  # Returns an HTML string to be displayed in the browser

# This is a Python built-in variable which evaluates to the name of the current module.
# If the module is being run (as opposed to being imported), its value will be "__main__".
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This means that we are running this module directly, and not importing it.
    app.run()  # Start the Flask development server


Web application Router


from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return '<h1>Hello Puppy!</h1>'

def info():
    return '<h1>Puppies are cute!</h1>'

if __name__ == '__main__':


Dynamic Rountes

  • Dynamic Routes - enable URLs to have variable segments, which are then passed as parameters to the corresponding function.


from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

# Decorator with a dynamic route.
# The portion <name> in the route is a variable part, 
# and it will be passed as an argument to the decorated function.
def puppy(name):
    # The name parameter will capture the dynamic part of the URL.
    # For example, if the user visits '/puppy/Rex', then 'Rex' 
    # will be passed as the 'name' argument to this function.
    # The formatted string will display the captured name in the 
    # resulting HTML page.
    return '<h1>This is a page for {}<h1>'.format(name)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Debug mode

  • Debug mode - provides detailed error messages and allows for live code reloading during development.
    • Also gives us access to a console in the browser!


# Never have debug=True for production apps!


Flask 라우팅 연습문제

  • Make Puppy Latin name page
from flask import Flask
from flask import request

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "<h1>Welcome! Go to /puppy_latin/name to see your name in puppy latin!</h1>"

def puppylatin(name):

    pupname = ''
    if name[-1]=='y':
        puppyname = name[:-1]+'iful'
        puppyname = name+'y'

    return "<h1>Hi {}! Your puppylatin name is {} </h1>".format(name,puppyname)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Basic Templates

  • Basic Templates - dynamic generation of HTML content using placeholders and control structures, stored in a "templates" folder.
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    # Connecting to a template (html file)
    # By default, Flask looks in a folder named 'templates' for the given filename.
    return render_template('00-Basic-Template.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Jinja templating - allows embedding Python variables directly into HTML files.



HTML 예시:

<h1>Basic variable insert: {{name}}!</h1>
<!-- Recall that we set mylist=letters in the .py file. -->
<!-- You could use whatever variable names you want -->
<h1>List example: {{mylist}}</h1>
<!-- We can index the list as well -->
<h1>Indexing the list for the first letter: {{mylist[0]}}</h1>
<!-- We can also use dictionaries -->
<h1>Puppy name from dictionary: {{mydict['pup_name']}}</h1>

Python 예시:

def adv_puppy_name(name):
    letters = list(name)
    pup_dict = {'pup_name':name}
    return render_template('01-Template-Variables.html',
  • Jinja grants access to control flow structures, such as for loops and if statements, within templates.


{% %}


# for loop
	{% for item in mylist %}
	{% endfor %}

# if statement
{% if item in list %}
	<p>Found you in the list of item</p>
{% else %}
	<p>Hmm, item isn't in this list.</p>
{% endif %}


Template Inheritance

  • Template Inheritance - base templates to reuse and override specific sections of other pages, ensuring consistency and reducing redundancy.


# Base HTML

... original code ...

    {% block content %}
    {% endblock %}

... original code ...


# other page

{% extends "04-base.html"%}
{% block content %}
<h1>This is the home page.</h1>
<h2>Go to /puppy/name</h2>
{% endblock %}
  • Filters - change or format data in templates, don't need to be edited in Python


{{ variable | filter }}

{{ name | capitalize }}
  • url_for - generates URLs for view functions


{{ url_for('view_name') }}

{{ url_for('index') }}

# for static file 

{{ url_for('folder_name', file_name) }}





본 후기는 정보통신산업진흥원(NIPA)에서 주관하는 <AI 서비스완성! AI+웹개발 취업캠프 - 프론트엔드&백엔드> 과정 학습/프로젝트/과제 기록으로 작성되었습니다.